Rhino Blogger Aeth brings a taste of things to come on The Orokin and the Lotus; assuming Digital Extremes doesn't release a random content patch and muck up another attempt at a Lore column! Whoops, too late!
Man, that was some disappearing act. Everyone was all like "omfg aeth where u go?!" and I'm all like "brbafkbbq" and life turned upside-down.
And by "everyone" I mean like four people that read what I do. Because Reasons.
And by "everyone" I mean like four people that read what I do. Because Reasons.
Coming Attractions Part 2: The Attractioning
No, no lore posts. DE succeeded in giving us more lore than we know what to do with in the last half a year or so. There won't be any theorycrafting of numbers (due to the changes that have come since I was away!) or views of the recent content (since I haven't had a chance to play much of it!), but there will be a lot of work put into getting back on my feet and actually playing some Warframe.
Feature Presentation
I want to focus on streaming once again. Nice and simple, I want to take the time a couple days of the week and get back to streaming content and being a derp in Warframe. Things have changed enough that you can bring almost Anything to Anything to do Anything and have fun with Anyone.
Stalker aside.
And Zanuka.
When do we get an Infested Boogie-Man?