We'll cut right to the chase; the new event is up for the weekend and there are many people with many opinions on how to best farm for kills.
As always, Kappa seems to be the place to go.
90377 Sedna
Kappa - Sedna is one of the first missions unlocked in the Sedna-sphere. It is accessible from Saturn, and requires that you defeat General Sargas Ruk. The level range for Kappa ranges from 18 to 28, making for a fairly accessible mission.
Kappa is a Mobile Defense; requiring the Tenno and their Cell to bring a datamass to several computer terminals and wait for the Lotus to defeat the encryption. During the encryption countdown countless Grineer will assault the Tenno and their Cell, all attempting to destroy the terminal which the Lotus is currently hacking.
After defeating the encryption on both terminals the Lotus will announce a new objective; defend the cryopod (artifact, as she refers to it). This is also a timed defense, with the greatest risk to the cryopod being Grineer Rollers and lieutenants. Bombards, Napalms, and Heavies will all pose a great risk to the cryopod.
The Target
Floating idly by in a firefight, making a strange noise when approached and jamming Tenno radar within twenty meters, the Grineer Informer can be difficult to spot at first. Almost always hovering above eye-level of the Tenno, these Grineer drones are deployed with other Grineer units in order to collect information and disrupt the ability for Tenno to properly acquire targets or navigate through the use of their minimap.
Boldly Hiding in the Rafters
So where do we go, to slay these terrible constructs of metal and circuitry?
That's right folks, Kappa. Specifically the two main rooms containing the data terminal objectives of the first part of a Mobile Defense. These rooms allow us to fulfill the criteria needed to spawn Grineer Informers:
- Triggers
- Distance
- Room
The trigger we require to spawn Grineer Informers is the same as any other foe. The Lotus may announce Grineer attackers en route, the timer may be initiated for decryption, or the timer for the cryopod defense may be initiated. As new waves of foes are spawned to attack the data terminal or cryopod, Grineer Informers are spawned in various locations nearby.
Distance is a sphere or bubble around each member of the Cell present for the mission. Grineer will not spawn within this sphere, making it vital that Tenno not spread out too greatly during the mission for fear of suppressing spawns outright.
Room, or rather rooms, are the physical locations which Grineer Informers can spawn. There are various rooms surrounding the data terminals which Grineer can use as cover. Assuming the Tenno are far away enough, Grineer Informers will eventually spawn within them. As the core aspect of this farming method, it requires visual aids to properly convey. The Rhino Camera-Man used all of his acrobatic skill to gather these, as the album shows
Central to both data terminals is a squat room with three doors; one of these rooms has a number of containers in-front of it, while the other is clear. Both will spawn one or two Grineer Informers within.
Without Boxes |
With Boxes |
Grineer Informer Spotted in the With Boxes room! |
Opposite these closed-off and ignored rooms are an entryway and a dead-end which sees a great deal more activity from the Grineer as they spawn. Grineer troops will often use this cross-entryway for cover as they approach the data terminal. The location of the Grineer Informer is beyond the cross-entryway shown, floating against the ceiling. Grineer will take cover from Tenno in the cross-entryway, but rarely where the Grineer Informer spawns.
There are three spawn locations on the top-level of this map for Grineer Informers. Two of these are fairly obvious, but we stumbled upon as the Rhino Camera-Man worked his magic.
I came across the last spawn completely by accident. Or rather, spawns. Either side of the central divider for the top-level can spawn a Grineer Informer, while the opposite side (which the Rhino is facing away from in the picture below) does not seem to spawn anything.
They just float there. Mocking my weight. |
And Other Spawns
Entering the juncture between the two data terminal rooms (which also serves as the location of the cryopod), Tenno will see two rooms to either side of the doorway. Both can contain Grineer Informers when initially entering the area, as well as when moving from one data terminal to the next.
The doorway leading out from this juncture also allows Grineer Informers to spawn, with upwards to five spawning in the adjoining room during the cryopod defense alone.
The Right Tool for the Jo- Wait We Used That Already?
A public group will hate you for leaving the data terminals or the cryopod. A public group full of random players (Pick-Up-Group, PUG, pugs, ect...) will not play the objective most of the time, and instead focus on either kills or hunting down Grineer Informers for the sake of their personal objective. This is why it is advisable for you, the player, to do this in a reliable group.
As always, cohesion and teamwork will pay off when attempting to get a personal objective. Teamwork in this case will allow you to hunt down and kill the required twenty Grineer Informers to receive the Snipetron Vandal, without impacting other players and their objectives.
Cohesion and teamwork will also serve to keep you from engaging in conflict with others! Grineer Informer kills are not shared between players thus-far. I'll say it again:
Grineer Informer kills are not shared with your group!
You only gain credit for the killing blows you land. Your allies do not contribute to your own total. Your Sentinel does not contribute to your own total. Chaos- and Mind Control-affected foes do not contribute to your own total, should they somehow score the killing blow.
Remember this as you cut a bloody swath through the ranks of the Grineer! And be sure to shoot a Grineer Informer right in the recording-device as a message to the Twin Queens. It's going to take a lot more than surveillance devices and some radar disruption to stop a Tenno.
I was just going to farm through Rescue and Raid missions, but I didn't know they would spawn like this. Thanks :)